理学硕士 临床心理健康咨询



杰克逊维尔大学 offers a two-year, full-time 理学硕士 Clinical Mental 健康 Counseling with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Counseling. 最近 授予 2024 Innovation in Counseling: Counselor Education Community Engagement Award from 全国注册咨询师委员会 (NBCC), this program is offered at both our Arlington campus and 佛罗里达州棕榈海岸. Following a hybrid format, cohort model, this program allows for self-paced and 面对面的类. 全球网络赌博平台的计划是:

  • CACREP accredited with emphasis in Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Ideal for working professionals who want to create individual relationships with professors 和同龄人
  • 全日制,2年,60学时
  • Meets the educational requirements for State of Flo​rida licensure as a Licensed Mental 健康 Counselor (LMHC) and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)

杰克逊维尔大学's 临床心理健康咨询 program is offering a 12学分小时 游戏治疗研究生证书. Please visit the program website for more information.


Applications submitted after April 1, 2024 will only be considered for our 棕榈海岸位置.

A female student sitting and speaking with a counseling professor.


全球网络赌博平台是通过 Council for 认证 of Counseling and Related Educational 项目 (CACREP) 按照2016年的标准. The JU CMHC accreditation is valid through October 2027, at which time an application for re-accreditation will be submitted. 所有JU CMHC程序 graduates have been recognized as having graduated from a CACREP accredited program.

JU worked with SACSCOC, our University and program's accrediting body, to complete the standard accreditation process for our 棕榈海岸位置. 全球网络赌博平台得到了批准 in 2021.

State of Florida Course Requirements for 许可

JU’s CMHC Core Curriculum has a specialization in clinical mental health counseling. It also offers a concentration in Couples, Marriage, and Family Counseling. 这个学位 meets the academic requirements for licensure as designated by the 佛罗里达婚姻临床社会工作委员会 & 家庭治疗和心理健康 Counseling for both 临床心理健康咨询 and Marriage and 家庭治疗. The program has not made a determination whether the curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in states outside of Florida.

Students are encouraged to review the state standards and guidelines and notify the faculty advisor of practice preference so that the appropriate site placement is secured 用于实习和实习.

A hybrid style will be used for courses with class attendance once a week in fall/spring semesters and twice a week during the summer semester. 学生也需要 to complete a rigorous 800 hour community-based clinical field experience as part 他们的学术训练.


"Along with a rigorous curriculum, the CMHC counseling program at JU offers students unconditional support and guidance to a bright future. 这种经历让我 me to build unforgettable relationships with colleagues and faculty, as well."



  • 已完成的JU申请 
  • Unofficial Transcripts for All Degrees Conferred
  • 意向书 
  • 简历/履历 
  • 3 .推荐信 
  • The following may be requested of students with a 3.平均绩点0分或以下:
    • GRE / GMAT成绩 

When completing your application, please indicate your 位置 preference. 这个程序 is offered at both 杰克逊维尔大学's Jacksonville and 棕榈海岸位置s.



Applications submitted after April 1, 2024 will only be considered for our Palm Coast 位置.

Dr. LaTonya萨默斯将她的专业知识带到Tedx知足常乐

"When I decided to apply for the local TEDx conference, I asked myself what I would 想对全世界说的话. We were 13 months into the pandemic, and as a mental health educator, I knew how much we were hurting and how much more devastating the impact 会得到. I outlined a talk on how to process pain differently, and 'Know 《全球赌博十大网站》被接受了. I feel honored to have had this experience not only because it challenged me to be vulnerable about my own life story, which I had never done, but also for the opportunity to have an international platform to help others 管理他们的心理健康."

Dr. LaTonya萨默斯


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Do you already have a master's degree but are missing courses to become licensed as 佛罗里达州的LMHC或LMFT? 杰克逊维尔大学 offers hybrid and online courses such as Human Sexuality, Counseling in Community Settings, and Addictions Counseling 针对非学位学生. 


22%Projected growth of employment of mental health counselors from 2018 - 2028; quicker 高于所有职业的平均水平
5thFlorida has the 5th highest employment level for counselors in the United States
$49,950Average annual wage for Mental 健康 Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists 根据美国.S. 劳工和统计局



联系信息 临床心理健康咨询


电子邮件: graduateadmissions@su-de.com
